
Welcome to SoyHUB

A hub for soybean-applied genomics predictions based on a curated panel of diverse soybean resequenced accessions (Soy1066).

Explore Variations

Allele Catalog Tool

- Visualize alleles, functional effects, amino acid changes in genes

- Lookup accessions within selected allele groupings

- Map alleles to phenotype to visualize allele and phenotype distributions

Genomic Variation Explorer

- Explore variations in transcription factor binding sites within promoter regions

- Explore copy number variations and link copy number variations to genes

- Map copy number variations to phenotype to visualize copy number variation and phenotype distributions

Multiple Allele Discovery Tool

- Multiple allele discovery to understand combinative mutations

- Perform multiple allele position combinative calculations

Protein Sequence Logos

- Generates sequence logos for protein based on multiple organisms

Soybean Phenotype Distribution Tool

- Explore genes that are highly associated with a selected phenotype

- Connect genes to Allele Catalog Tool to highlight causative variant positions

Soybean Paralog Allele Catalog Tool

- Explore paralogs and connect to Allele Catalog visualization


Survey for SoyHUB

We would love to hear from you about your experience with SoyHUB and our genomic analysis tools. Your opinion is valuable to us as it will help us improve our existing tools and develop new features. The survey should only take you a few minutes.

Your responses will be completely anonymous unless you leave your email address to get in touch with us. We appreciate your input!

Click here for Feedback Form


If you use the tools in SoyHub in your work, please cite the corresponding tool(s):

Allele Catalog Tool

[1] Chan YO, Dietz N, Zeng S, Wang J, Flint-Garcia S, Salazar-Vidal MN, Škrabišová M, Bilyeu K, Joshi T: The Allele Catalog Tool: a web-based interactive tool for allele discovery and analysis. BMC Genomics 2023, 24(1):107.


[1] Chan YO, Biova J, Mahmood A, Dietz N, Bilyeu K, Škrabišová M, Joshi T: Genomic Variations Explorer (GenVarX): A Toolset for Annotating Promoter and CNV Regions Using Genotypic and Phenotypic Differences. Frontiers in Genetics 2023.


[1] Biová J, Kaňovská I, Chan YO, Immadi MS, Joshi T, Bilyeu K, Škrabišová M. Natural and artificial selection of multiple alleles revealed through genomic analyses. Front Genet. 2024 Jan 8;14:1320652. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1320652. PMI D: 38259621; PMCID: PMC10801239.

Synthetic phenotype to causal mutation strategy (SP2CM)

Škrabišová M, Dietz N, Zeng S, Chan YO, Wang J, Liu Y, Biová J, Joshi T, Bilyeu KD (2022) A novel Synthetic phenotype association study approach reveals the landscape of association for genomic variants and phenotypes. Journal of Appl ied Research, 42:117-133. 10.1016/j.jare.2022.04.004